Health & Wellness

Acupuncture Headache Relief Biomarkers Confirmed

Acupuncture Headache Relief Biomarkers Confirmed   Acupuncture is effective for regulating levels of inflammatory cytokines and relieving discomfort and pain in patients with cervicogenic headaches. Researchers from Beijing Anzhen Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University and Shandong Shengli Oilfield Hospital conducted a clinical trial comparing [...]

Acupuncture Headache Relief Biomarkers Confirmed2022-12-01T10:58:14+00:00

Acupuncture Alleviates Bell’s Palsy Finding

Acupuncture Alleviates Bell’s Palsy Finding   Acupuncture plus electroacupuncture has been proven effective for the treatment of peripheral facial paralysis (PFP). This condition is also termed Bell’s palsy. In a recent study, researchers from Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Clinical Medical College of Acupuncture, [...]

Acupuncture Alleviates Bell’s Palsy Finding2022-12-01T10:53:28+00:00

Aceite esencial de Orégano

Desde hace mucho tiempo, es conocida la utilización del aceite esencial de orégano.  Este interesante producto natural, dispensa muchos beneficios para la salud, que hoy en día están siendo tomados muy en cuenta por parte de la ciencia.    De hecho, muchas de estas pruebas, [...]

Aceite esencial de Orégano2022-12-01T11:11:49+00:00


Yin Yang Balance Center is a holistic clinic based in Miami, FL. since 2015, founded and managed by Dr. Franse Lozada, who has collected over 20 years of studies and practice in manual therapies, physical therapies and Chinese Medicine, integrating Eastern and Western medicine principles to achieve the greatest results for her patients.

We look forward to providing you with high quality, natural healthcare. while encouraging your questions and participation in all aspects of your health. My goal is to provide an individualized treatment that restores your balance & self-reliant care.

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