



The Balance Method Acupuncture

Balance Method Acupuncture is an advanced system of Acupuncture that is over 2500 years old.  Its foundations are based upon the philosophies of the Ba Gua, an eastern philosophy based upon mathematics; and the I Ching, one of the oldest books in the world that utilizes the Ba Gua philosophy.  The concepts introduced by the I Ching & Ba Gua philosophy allow mathematical systems to be fully integrated into our view of reality.  Balance Method Acupuncture is also known as, I Ching Acupuncture, Distal Acupuncture, & Dr. Tan Style Acupuncture.

One of Mark’s teachers, Dr. Richard Tan, introduced him to a system of acupuncture called Balance Method Acupuncture in 1997.  A former Aerospace Engineer and trained in Martial Arts as a child, Dr. Tan truly embodies the “old school” combining with the “new school”.  Using his traditional knowledge handed down to him by his teachers as a kid; learning martial arts, the classics, and Chinese medicine from his father and other teachers; he coupled this with his college engineering background, creating a system of acupuncture that is truly genius.  This system of acupuncture is the most effective system of acupuncture for treating pain. Balance Method Acupuncture works immediately.

What makes Balance Method Acupuncture unique is that it provides the following:

  • A sense of Balance in your life.

  • 85% success rate through a series of treatments.

  • Individual specific attention to your problem.

  • Needling is done on Arms, Legs, & Head.

  • The patient remains fully clothed.

  • Faster overall recovery times.

  • Pain relief within seconds of needle insertion.

Much gratitude goes out to my teacher, Dr. Richard Tan, a Master, Teacher, and Practitioner in this ancient style; and his many students throughout the world for carrying on this powerful art.  Dr. Tan is known for his expertise in Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Feng Shui, & Ba Zi.